4.23 Communication

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Well Said Wednesday: Don't Fritter Away Your Bonus Day

As a solo business owner, I spend more time than I should admit in my own head convincing myself I’m a genius (on a good day) or a fraud (on those days.)

And I rarely give myself the time to pause and think deeply about what’s bolstering the good days or spiraling the bad.

But 2024 is giving us the time. We get a whole extra day this Leap Year.

Let’s take it for ourselves and our businesses!

My colleague Steph Cottrell and I created the Leap Day Experience – a one-day-only virtual event for small business owners.

And we’re not going it alone. We’ve curated an amazing list of brainy, empathetic fellow business owners who will help us dissect the stuff that stifles our businesses.

People like…

  • Steph Cottrell of Blue Elephant Creative who is pretty much a genius at thinking about, mapping and improving your customer journey.

  • Jenn Flynn, The Balance Maven, who (among other things) helps you intuit who you are showing up as and whether that person should really be in the driver’s seat.

  • Judy Griffin of Write Angles who helps you examine the flip side - how you are showing up to others consciously or unconsciously.

  • Barbara Govednik (um, me!) of 4.23 Communication giving you a new and better way to thinking about marketing (that doesn’t demand you be on TikTok).

  • Amy Nelson, founder of The Riveter, whose life and work have been all about tapping into and amplifying the power of our own voice and story.

We’ve built the Leap Day Experience to be the event that we need as small business owners – and we know there are others who need it, too.

Is it you? Join us. 

“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Message Strategist, Editor and Founder of 4.23 Communication. It’s published every other Wednesday…ish.