Bring What Your Need To Do. We’ll Get.Stuff.Done.
If you’ve ever said “I need to make time to work on…”
a new idea for your business
the book you’ve been meaning to write
the thing that’s been on your ‘to do’ list for weeks, months, years..
I invite you to join my community of doers who meet monthly to get.stuff.done.
Virtual co-working is a live, three-hour working session hosted by me, Barbara Govednik, Message Strategist, Editor and Founder of 4.23 Communication held online via Google Meet. Some months, Steph Cottrell of Blue Elephant Creative guest hosts.
It gives you the focused time you crave, the support you need and the collective energy of community. All with side orders of accountability and celebration. No one celebrates their accomplishments enough — especially small and solo business owners!
We meet monthly on the 23rd of the month.
(Yep, sometimes on the weekend.)
8-11 am Pacific Time
convert to your time zone
The next virtual co-working session is Thursday, January 23rd.
Ready to Get.Stuff.Done?
Sign up.
Space is limited, so secure your spot by signing up. Put it on your calendar. Don’t cheat yourself out of productive time.
You can sign up for an individual month, or you can sign up for the entire quarter (and save money).
If you want to sign up for more than a month or a quarter at a time, reach out to Barbara to set that up.Invest.
Each session is just $23 (or about 8 cents per productive minute!) It’s non-refundable, like your gym membership but more importantly, it’s an extra incentive to commit to getting your thing done.Show up and Get.Stuff.Done.
How The Co-working Session is Structured
Each Pop Up Virtual Co-Working Session includes three writing/working sprints. They go like this:
Top of First Hour
10 minutes of intention setting and getting settled
50-minute writing/working sprint
Top of the Second Hour
Come back together to celebrate what got done (yes there are ⭐s)
Reset our intentions
50-minute writing/working sprint
Top of the Third Hour
Come back together to celebrate what got done (yes there are ⭐s)
Reset our intentions
50-minute writing/working sprint
Five minutes before the Hour
Come back together one last time to celebrate what got done (yes there are ⭐s)
Go off to the rest of our day having gotten.stuff.done.
I’ve watched books finally get launched, writing schedules stuck to, tricky emails written, avoided phone calls made, paintings come to life, intentional napping, songs get written, client projects shifted from “neglected” to “finished” … and people having fun doing it! Will I see you this month?