It's the Wednesday before Thanksgiving in the U.S.
Note to self: Do not change the title of this post to “Almost Well-Fed Wednesday.”
My turkey is still defrosting. I'm plotting how to make my two-person Thanksgiving table extra special. And I'm thinking about all the people in my life who've helped me move through this extraordinary year.
A part of me wants to end that sentence "...through this extraordinary year with grace" because it sounds pretty and Instagram-ready.
But let's face it, that's not the truth! Sure, there have been moments of grace or near-grace. And moments of grit. And anxiety. And goofiness. And clarity. And sadness. And wonder. And anger. And relief. And...well, this could become a very blog post.
Besides, it's not about the emotion. It’s about the people who stand by me and stand up for me and nudge me to stand down when I need that.
It's about you.
Thank you.
There are any number of reasons you may be reading this. Maybe you’re a client, a “fan” of the Facebook page, or we've worked together. Maybe our paths have crossed through coaching groups. Perhaps you found this spot by sheer happenstance and algorithms.
Whatever the reason, I'm grateful for you.
I can't do what I do without you.
I couldn't have launched the things I've launched this year without you.
I wouldn’t have the insights to re-imagine and 2020-ize longstanding programs.
I wouldn't be in the midst of planning 2021 as the Year of the Word without you.
So I'm going to repeat myself.
Thank you.
Whatever shape your Thanksgiving takes this year, I wish you and yours peace, love and good leftovers.
“Well Said Wednesday” is a blog by Barbara Govednik, Founder, Content Coach & Message Strategist of 4.23 Communication. It’s published every other Wednesday…ish.