Seriously. Pause right now. Think of all the ways you’ve kept things working despite “unprecedented times.” Think of the million little shifts and leaps, releases and acknowledgements that got you here. Today. Right now.
Gold star for you!
Read MoreInspiration & Creativity
Seriously. Pause right now. Think of all the ways you’ve kept things working despite “unprecedented times.” Think of the million little shifts and leaps, releases and acknowledgements that got you here. Today. Right now.
Gold star for you!
Read MorePhoto by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
And I'm thinking about all the people in my life who've helped me move through this extraordinary year. A part of me wants to end that sentence "...through this extraordinary year with grace" because it sounds pretty and Instagram-ready.
But let's face it, that's not the truth! Sure, there have been moments of grace or near-grace. And moments of grit. And anxiety. And goofiness. And clarity. And sadness. And wonder. And anger. And relief. And...well, this could become a very blog post.
Besides, it's not about the emotion. It’s about the people who stand by me and stand up for me and nudge me to stand down when I need that. It's about you.
Read MoreWith Halloween fast approaching, it’s time to share this one. I was inspired to write this for all the content creators out there. Because is there anything scarier than your computer eating your work?
Read MoreIt’s September 2. WTF?
2020 has been a wild one, no?
Here are a few things I’ve been leaning into to get me through — an app, a read, a resource, a distraction and a song. Maybe they’ll work for you, too.
Read MorePhoto by Lechon Kirb on Unsplash
How many times have you felt overwhelmed or exhausted by all the “new normals” we’ve had thrown at us this year?
And here’s the thing. A challenging year creates the need for challenging messaging.
And challenging messaging is exhausting to create.
It’s not just you. It’s me. It’s all of us.